Uncle Ethelbert’s Parenting Advice
another thin I sure-nuff can tell ye
what’s wrong with this here world today:
children should refer to their parents
in a decent, acceptable way.
Mother ‘n Father’s right proper;
even Ma or Paw ‘ll sur-fice.
and when the young-uns is little
Mommy ‘n Daddy sounds nice.
but there ain’t a one of my children;
not a one of my children a’tawl,
ever called me out-loud by my first name
or tried a sim-u-lar stunt with their ma.
for that there is dis-respectful
of a parent’s position in life.
why, I ain’t no Tom, Dick nor Harry,
and neither f’shor is my wife!
so don’t let me hear of sech nonsense
as “we’ll let our children decide.”
familiarity breeds contempt;
an that’s sumpin’ I will not abide!
– Jerry Dan Deutschendorf