Late Morning, Early March
The first day of spring is one thing,
and the first spring day is another.
– Henry Van Dyke
clear water murmurs
soft and easy;
flowing exquisitely over
old rounded rocks where
strands of new moss
playfully dance
in a gentle lowland stream.
somewhere close a
whippoorwill sings;
and hungry robins sift slowly
through the stubble of
meadows barely green.
the late-winter sun
warms well the earth;
coaxing early buds from stiff branches above,
while bulbs below
begin again their sure resurrection;
stirring from welcome warmth;
rising through darkness towards the promise of day.
ah, the subtle signs of spring’s approach;
how good it is
to see such days!
as the winter’s cold recedes,
a season of sunshine and hope draws near!
as the day’s light lengthens,
again life blossoms anew!
such gifts come only from God on High;
ordained by the Father of Light.
how good it is
to see such days!
– Jerry Dan Deutschendorf