Always Remember the Poor

Blessed is the man who
Considers the weak and the poor;
Who has regard for the helpless;
Who cares for them as would a Savior.

In a time of trouble;
Amidst adversity and strife,
The Lord will surely protect him;
The Lord will preserve his very life!

    O such a man,
    What is his worth?
    He will be called blessed
    Upon the earth!

    Yet as for me, I said

    “O LORD!
    Have mercy on me!
    Heal my soul,
    For I have sinned against Thee.”

    And in His Word I read,

“Who shows mercy to the poor,
To the Ancient of Days they lend!
And the LORD will reward their deeds;
The LORD will repay all they spend.”

LORD please help me henceforth
To freely lend and not oppress
The helpless, the needy and poor,
And in blessing them, I shall be blessed!

– Jerry Dan Deutschendorf