And Yet Are You Dead?

To the Christian churches in America who, when gathered together,
refuse to wear masks in the midst of a deadly plague

He spoke to the folks who were watching
Via live stream or on their TV
About how loving his church really was –
Such remarkable love, said he.

Then the camera stopped showing the preacher
And was trained on the folks in the pews,
Where no-one at all was wearing a mask!
Could it be his words were a ruse?

Had again the angels to carry
With great shame a disgraceful report
Of a selfish, disobedient church
To Heaven’s omnipotent court?

“They amplify lights, words and music,
But God’s Holy Word they dilute.
Their pride refuses submission,
So they bear no spiritual fruit.”

“There much scripture is ignored;
God’s Golden Rule incomplete.
There the sheep want their ears tickled,
And the shepherds indulge the sheep!”

“There the rights their nation grants them
Are esteemed more than gifts God bestows.
Equal under their law, they freely rebel.
God is with them, they vainly suppose!”

Incomplete in the sight of Almighty God
Are their deeds! O what might have been!
To him who knows better but whose deeds are not done,
To him (and to Him) it is sin!

How few there have ears which to listen
To ALL God’s Word has to say!
Will He spare such a church from a visit by night?
Like a thief what will He take away?

Had only they followed ALL Scripture.
Had only they woke from their sleep.
Had only they not shamed the angels
Every time they gathered to meet.

– Jerry Dan Deutschendorf